Although incorporated in January 2014, i-Labs Digital is not a start-up company, since it benefits from the consulting experience of its controlling company and from the know-how acquired from an IT company with over 10 years experience in developing Big Data technologies.
i-Labs Digital created to help the business community (companies and managers) take advantages of the opportunities offered by adopting “Big Data Approaches” which are made possible by the recent evolution in Information Technology (IT).
Why is this an issue? Because in the last 50 years technologies have evolved at a pace much too fast for the end user to understand them and fully comprehend their implications on his/her business. As this innovation trend will accelerate, this “knowledge gap” will increase and require adequate approaches to sales.
i-Labs Digital is this bridge and can help identify innovative business solutions. Helping clients identify innovative “Big Data” solutions that exploit state of the art technology, assisting them in all phases necessary develop them and implementing them isi-Labs Digital core mission.
We can be that bridge because we possess both needed characteristics:
- Management consulting skills to help identify the innovative business solution made possible thanks to the technology
- An innovative IT Platform that supports the “Big Data Approach” with a single and integrated solution.OUR MISSION:THE BRIDGE BETWEEN IT TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS“Big Data” is no longer a technical term describing the availability of a very large amount of information or data. It’s a new era, that has been defined “A Second Economy”1. The hype around “big data” has left many people confused with what “big data” actually means. Rather than data for data’s sake, the question should be how does one use data to generate genuine insight that can influence and inform business strategy, create efficiencies, build business and so forth.
“Big Data Approach” is the new term indicating that the next business evolution will come from our capacity to succeed in exploiting the potential of all available information. It will impact on almost all the variables that determine the success of an enterprise. Data are generated at operational level and this will always be so. How we approach their utilization and exploitation is the innovation introduced by Big Data.
This evolution is technologically driven and it will dramatically affect all businesses: some in a disruptive way, others as a source of opportunities.
Unfortunately, whenever the evolution is technology driven a major knowledge-gap is generated between the technical level (those who develop the technology) and the end-user market (companies). Technical innovators (the technicians) know little to nothing of business logics, strategies, operations and so on. At the same time the potential beneficiaries of their innovations (the end-user market) know little to nothing about Big Data technologies (artificial intelligence, neural engines, distribute computing and so on). Unfortunately, none of them possesses the characteristics to bridge this gap and the result is that the actual potential of new technologies remains untapped and its time-to-market-utilization lags significantly.
Our mission it to be that bridge and act as main contractor in supplying innovative business solutions which exploit the potential of Big Data thanks to the utilization of the sophisticated and advanced technologies we have used in developing our platform.
Our assistance covers all phases of this process. We start from helping the client identify the innovative solution, then we assist him throughout the development and implementation phases.
In other words, we offer turn-key solutions.